Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Grammarous Life, Take I.

This is my first-ever blog entry. True story. I've never written a blog before. I’ve never even really been successful at keeping a diary. But, like everyone else and her sister, I think I have really insightful signposts to add to the information superhighway. So here I am.

Let’s see, since this is our first time together, what should you know about me? I’m a 71-year-old, chain-smoking retired drycleaner who collects figurines from “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” and subsists solely on Spam sandwiches.

Not really. That would’ve been cool though, wouldn’t it? In reality, I’m 34-years-old. I don’t smoke. I don’t even take my clothes to the drycleaners. Okay, I do, but it’s an organic drycleaner. “Omigod,” you’re thinking, “she’s one of those.” Kind of. I do what I can, but that’s not much. I replaced one of the 54 can lights in my house with a fluorescent bulb and I’m still trying to decide if I like how it sticks down farther than the other ones. So, yeah, I’m not exactly hard-core green. I bought one of those tote bags you’re supposed to take to the grocery store so you don’t kill the earth by using a paper or plastic bag (which one AM I supposed to pick anyway? I never know…) but I keep forgetting to take it with me. I drive a Lexus sedan – not exactly a gas-guzzling SUV, but it’s no Prius either. I think recycling is GREAT. But I haven’t exactly gotten around to that yet. Geez, I thought I did some stuff to help the Earth…what the hell do I do? Oh, I know. I turn off the lights every time I leave a room and I only use water when I absolutely need it (like, for example, when I absolutely NEED to fill my 100 gallon tub and relax with a glass of wine and a New Yorker).

I digress. What else do you need to know about me? I have a Ph.D. in Human Communication (I’ll ‘splain what that means in the big scheme of things later). I taught at a private university for 7 years before leaving to pursue freelance editing and, ultimately, open my own media development firm, which is what I do now. It’s been fun, but also really, really crazy, stressful and frustrating to try to run my own biz. Actually, I co-own it with my business partner. We’ll call him Bartlett (the kid loves pears). And, yes, he is a kid. It’s pretty crazy being in business with someone so young: he’s 23. But, he is so incredibly talented at what he does and he’s pretty mature for his age (most of the time). He is also, however, unbelievably unorganized. This is a fact that does not go unnoticed by someone as anal retentive as myself.

Let's see, what else should you if you are to be a reader of my blog? I’m a pretty gregarious person and I tend to have pretty strong opinions and I will stand up for the things (and people) I believe in. My friends mostly use one word to describe me: passionate. I think that’s pretty cool. As my best friend said in her speech at my wedding, I’m passionate about my husband, I’m passionate about my friends, and I’m passionate about chocolate. That about sums it up! I expect a lot from people, but I give a lot, too.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing. Why "grammargirl"? I think I'll leave you in suspense until my next blog...

Bye for now. I'm off to live the grammarous life.